Introducing a better grade editor

We're proud to announce a new Grade Editor that's been re-designed from the ground up!

Introducing a better grade editor

Over the last 2 years, we've introduced many new features to make it easier for you to manage your grades. In that time, we've received a lot of helpful feedback from hundreds of students. Based on that feedback, we're excited to announce an updated grade editor, redesigned from the ground up.

The editor is still quite new, so we'd love to hear what you think, whether you like it or not! If you have a few minutes, please answer these questions.

What's changed?

If you've joined Gradebook in the last three months, not much! We've been gradually updating and rolling out these changes so they shouldn't have been too jarring 😊

The before and after of the Grade Editor - before on left, after on right

Here's a summary of what changed:

  1. Categories are separate from Assignments

    Previously, if you wanted to create a Category, you would have to create an Assignment, and then "expand" it to a Category with multiple grades. This added a lot of unneeded friction, and many users (including myself!) accidentally "expanded" Assignments into Categories.

    The new Grade Editor removes the concept of "expansion" by distinguishing assignments from grades, and adding a "Create Category" button next to the "Create Assignment" button.

  2. 🚦 Points / Percentages Toggle

    This was also announced in a separate post.

    It wasn't obvious that the previous editor supported both point-based and percentage-based courses. We've added a toggle to switch between points-mode and percentage-mode so you can choose the mode that works best for your class.

  3. ⚗️ Experimental Mode (beta)

    This is a brand-new feature that we're excited to announce, and we always welcome your feedback! When you enable experimental mode, none of your changes will be saved - which means you can change a bunch of grades to see how they influence your final grade, and not have to remember what changes you made 💃

  4. 🎃 Improved drag-and-drop experience

    In the previous editor, it was too easy to accidentally move assignments if you didn't correctly tap or click on a cell for editing. We've limited dragging to a drag icon which will show up on the far left when you hover over a Grade Row, or are editing a cell.

  5. 💄 Improved Design

    We've updated the design to simplify using the Grade Editor. Lots of clutter and noise has been removed so making changes is more intuitive (and pretty).

We hope you find the new Grade Editor to be more productive and easier to use. If you have any feedback on it, or any other features of Gradebook, please let us know!